Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day and Catch up

We have had some gorgeous snow this past week. All of my classes this week were cancelled and it has been so nice. I figured it was time to post some new pics from our life the past couple of months. We have been very busy the past couple of months. Isabel started school, well sort of, she started kid's day out 2 times a week and loves it. We took her to the horse races for the first time. Chris and I decided, well I decided to take a last minute trip to Memphis and we had so much fun together just the two of us. We have just been enjoying life. Isabel is learning and talking so much lately. She has been singing so many songs including her ABC's although she doesn't know all of them yet but knows the song. She is asking "what's that" and "whatcha doin" all the time now. She stays very busy. She also went to her first dentist appointment and did great. They even did an x-ray and she was so still.

At the dentist

Eating ice cream at her Valentine's Party


She loved the snow and kept eating it

First day of school with her Abby backpack

Playing outside with her chalk

Couldn't wait to get it the bath