Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Isabel's Ocean Bottom Bathroom!

After getting her big girl bed we decided to turn the hallway bathroom, which is across from her, officially into her bathroom, since she is such a big girl now. She has been taking baths in mine but since we are trying this whole pottying thing I thought it would be fun to put to make it "hers". I think it turned out really cute. My sister pointed out to me that she has it so rough, don't you agree.

Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm a Big Girl now!

So over the weekend we decided to convert the crib into a toddler bed. We were so worried about the getting up and down and wandering in the middle of the night, but she did so good and slept until 8 this morning. Yay! Although when we converted the bed it seems so much smaller than it was and I am now ready to go and get her a real big bed. I know, I know I can wait a year or two. I do want to get her new toddler bedding. My little baby girl is getting so big.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Colton's, A Wedding, and Pinnacle

Anyone that knows us knows that we used to always eat at Colton's, especially when I was pregnant. Well since Isabel came along we don't eat out as often well because she is a TODDLER. We decided to be brave and go out to our never fail Colton's.One of our good friends wedding today and was so proud and happy to watch her get married. It was such a beautiful wedding. After the wedding Chris and I needed some much needed time alone together and instead of going out to dinner or relaxing we climb Pinnacle Mtn. We did have a good time and realized we were out of shape. We then decided we needed to put back on those calories we worked so hard to burn off and go and eat some mexican food.

Memphis Getaway

Last weekend we took a quick family getaway to Memphis. We just needed to get away and relax. Well sort of relax. We went to our all time favorite place Rendezvous. We never go to Memphis and not eat there. Isabel loved it to so I know she is our child. The next day was a fun filled animal day at the Memphis zoo. Chris and I went a few years ago but it was nothing like getting to take your child. She really enjoyed the polar bears. They were so cute and they would swim up and down while Isabel would chase them. We saw the Memphis Redbirds play and watched fireworks afterward. The fireworks were good but some little girl was so tired by this point she could have cared less about the fireworks.

She was asleep before we even left the zoo parking lot

Our all time favorite Ribs

Isabel LOVES going to daycare and loves her Ms. Shelly. She learns and does so much at school. These are just a few pictures of her playing.